FAQ - Frequently asked questions
When does check-in start at Hotel Sonneck?
Check-in at Hotel Sonneck starts daily at 3 p.m. Check-in ends daily at 11 p.m. Are you arriving after 11 p.m.? We do not have a 24h reception. To gain access to our hotel after 11 p.m., please call us by 8 p.m. on the day of arrival.
As a house guest, do I have to reserve a table for dinner at Restaurant Sonnenblatt?
No, we always reserve seats for house guests in our restaurant. The time for the à la carte dinner will be spoken at reception on arrival.
When does check-out end at Hotel Sonneck?
Check-out at Hotel Sonneck starts at 7 a.m. and ends at 11 a.m. This time applies daily for individual guests and conference guests.
Is Hotel Sonneck wheelchair accessible?
Hotel Sonneck is wheelchair-friendly. There is neither a handicapped accessible hotel room nor a handicapped parking lot in the immediate vicinity of our main entrance. Hotel Sonneck is located on a slope. Free parking is available above and below the hotel. The main entrance to Hotel Sonneck and our restaurant are accessible without steps. There is one disabled-friendly hotel room, bookable as a single or double room. The vitality area is not steplessly accessible.
When are the swimming pool and sauna at Hotel Sonneck open?
The vitality area with swimming pool and fitness room are open daily from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Sauna is heated daily from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
How do I charge my electric car?
There are three charging stations for electric cars in the lower hotel parking lot of Hotel Sonneck. You can find them on the charging station map of the Federal Network Agency or the ADAC. Further information on how to get to our hotel can be found here.
Are there vegan, vegetarian or gluten-free dishes at Restaurant Sonnenblatt?
At Restaurant Sonnenblatt, we cater to different diets. You will always find vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free dishes on our seasonal evening menu. We also offer a wide range of dishes for conference guests. Do you have a gluten intolerance? Let us know when you book.
When is the Bar at Hotel Sonneck open?
Our Bar is open daily until midnight.
What is GreenSign certification?
Hotel Sonneck is GreenSign certified. The GreenSign Institute evaluates the management of a hotel business for sustainability in the three pillars of ecology, economy and social responsibility. The assessment is carried out by the GreenSign Hotel conformity assessment programme, which has also been internationally recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) since June 2022. Only 53 assessment programs worldwide have this recognition. More about our sustainable projects.